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Advice and support services to companies, communities, local authorities and other public or private bodies.
Design and implementation of social programs, intended to improve
• Self-confidence, socialization, well-being, access to culture, sport, leisure.
• Soft and social skills development, socio-professional integration of individuals, particularly for the disabled and the most vulnerable
• Solidarity in respect of the rights of children, minorities and people with disabilities or atypical profiles (autistic / Asperger, TDHA.HPI ...)
Early intervention Programs
Training for teachers, health professionals on psycho-educational projects (teaching tools, social skills groups, ..) for
Promotion of play as a fundamental tool for cognitive, emotional and social development
Prevention of bullying in schools
Provision of health-social services (through volunteering, conflict resolution practices, etc.)
Individual and in group job & social skills coaching, intended to promote inclusion in education, work, society
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